Dillard offers programs and spaces to provide students with the University’s signature academic support.
Learn about the collection, both hard copies and virtual, in addition to the Dillard University archives.
Undergraduate research provides opportunities for students to connect with Dillard’s faculty for continuous support while engaging in creative work in students’ respective areas of interest.
We are pleased that you will be joining us as we continue the journey that began over a century ago when a group of free people of color and former slaves, with the support of the Missionary Association of the Congregational Church (now the United Church of Christ) and the Freedman’s Aid Society of the United Methodist Church, founded Straight College. In 1930, New Orleans University and Straight College merged to form Dillard University. And here we stand!
As you stroll along the shaded paths beneath the majestic oaks on your way to class, take time to reflect on the accomplishments of the many talented and gifted alumni who traveled these paths and graced these halls before you.
As you matriculate through Dillard, realize that you, too, are destined for greatness. We welcome you, and we are pleased that you chose Dillard…your Avenue of Opportunity.
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