Campus News

Dillard announces the New 2023-2024 Endowed Professorships and Chairs

Dillard University is proud to announce its 2023-2024 endowed professors, recognized for their contributions in research, teaching, and service to the university and surrounding community.

This is one of the highest honors a faculty member can achieve, as it aids in the funding of research, special projects, and travel to conferences and meetings that advance the recipient’s scholarly work. The Louisiana Board of Regents provides matching funds to Dillard’s generous donors who fund these endowments.

Dillard’s students, faculty and staff congratulate the following endowed chairs and faculty members:

Dr. Ashraf EsmailBarron Hilton – Criminal Justice 
Dr. Charlotte HurstThe Gloria Kabacoff Endowed Professorship in Nursing Research
Mr. Denis Sigur
Barron Hilton Computer Science Endowed Professorship Trust Fund
Ms. Katina Whorton
Barron Hilton Criminal Justice Endowed Professorship Trust Fund 
Dr. Dorian Williams
Barron Hilton Economics Endowed Professorship Trust Fund
Dr. Eric Buckles
Conrad N. Hilton Biology Endowed Professorship
Dr. Gary Clark
Barron Hilton Political Science Endowed Professorship Trust Fund
Dr. Casey Schreiber
Revius O. Ortique Jr. Eminent Scholar Chair in Political Science
Dr. Hong Dai
Conrad N. Hilton Physic/Mathematics Endowed Professorship
Dr. Katrina Kellum
Gloria Kabacoff Symptoms Management Endowed Professorship
Dr. Fredelan Williams
Conrad N. Hilton History Endowed Professorship Trust Fund
Dr. Lana Chambliss
Barron Hilton Psychology Endowed Professorship
Dr. Lovell Agwaramgbo
Conrad N. Hilton Chemistry Endowed Professorship
Dr. Mohammad Hussain
William Arceneaux Endowed Professorship in Economics
Dr. Mona Lisa Saloy
Conrad N. Hilton Endowed Professorship-English
Dr. Richard Igwike
Gloria and Lester B. Kabacoff Business Administration Endowed Professorship
Dr. Nazar Mustapha
Eben Hardie Jr. Finance Endowed Professorship Fund
Dr. Jacob Habashi
Edward Schneider Endowed Professorship in Accounting Fund
Dr. Nero Edevbie
Edward Schneider Professorship in Business Fund
Dr. Robert  A. Collins
Conrad N. Hilton Urban Affairs Endowed Professorship Trust Fund
Mr. John Pult
Ray Charles Endowed Professorship in History and Material Culture
Dr. Sharon Hutchinson
The Gloria Kabacoff Endowed Nursing Professorship in Teaching and Informatics
Dr. Masudi Stolard
The Eben Hardie Jr. Endowed Professorship in Business
Dr. Brandy Johnson
Baron Hilton Nursing/Pre-Medical Careers Endowed Professorship
Dr. Steve Buddington
Hilton Sociology Endowed Professorship
Mr. Cortheal Clark
Rosamary Eminent Scholars Chair in Humanities and Fine Arts
Mr. John H. Barnes, Jr.
Ray Charles Endowed Professorship in Art and Material Culture
Mr. S. Carver Davenport      
Ray Charles Endowed Professorship in Music
Dr. Eartha Johnson
Rosa Freeman Keller and Charles Keller Eminent Scholar
Mrs. Violet Bowers
Conrad N. Hilton Music Endowed Professorship 
Dr. Sheila Haynes
The Gloria Kabacoff Endowed Professorship in Nursing Ethics
Ms. Clotal-Sutton-Moore
The Gloria Kabacoff Endowed Professorship in Nursing Pedagogy
Ms. Zella Palmer
Ray Charles  Endowed Chair in Material and Culture