Dillard University is set to celebrate S. Carver Davenport, an Associate Professor of Music and Concert Choir Director, for his 48-year tenure. Mr. Davenport holds a Master of Music (M.M.) degree specializing in Vocal Performance & Choral Conducting, and is the longest-reigning choral director among all 105 HBCUs.
The event also functions as a fundraiser aimed at providing support for the DU Concert Choir as they prepare for their forthcoming spring tour.
Date: Sunday, February 25, 2024
General Admission: Free – Donations and sponsorships will support the Dillard University Concert Choir upcoming spring tour.
Time: 3 – 5 p.m.
Location: Dillard University Lawless Memorial Chapel
The celebration will feature a performance by Dr. Valerie Jones Francis, a distinguished vocal artist, and participation by the Dillard University Alumni Concert Choir, as they join together to honor Mr. Davenport’s 48-year tenure at Dillard University.
We invite former members of the Dillard University Concert Choir to join us in celebrating Dr. S. Carver Davenport’s incredible 48-year legacy. This event also serves as a benefit to support the Dillard University Concert Choir in their upcoming tours and public engagements.
If you’re interested in participating, please register here for the event. We appreciate your involvement and look forward to an exciting evening.
$5000 – Baritone Level Sponsor
- Logo will be displayed on the Feb. 25 Dillard University Concert Choir Program
- Logo displayed on all programs for the Spring 2024 Dillard University Concert Choir Tour.
- Logo displayed on
$2500 – Soprano Level Sponsor
- Logo will be displayed on the Feb. 25 event program
Logo displayed on all New Orleans Concert Choir Events throughout the year$1000 – Tenor Level Sponsor
- Logo displayed on the Feb. 25 event program
$500 – Alto Sponsor Level
Logo displayed on the Feb. 25 event program
For more information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (504)816-4182, alumnirelations@dillard.edu and Office of Institutional Advancement and Development at srogers@dillard.edu.